Sustainable Innovation at SCHURTER

In times of climate change, there is an increasing awareness for the topic of sustainability. But little will be achieved without action. SCHURTER intends to take a new path in this direction and believes its prospects for progress to be excellent.

Founded in 1933, the company operates successfully with components for safe energy supply, HMI systems for easy control and sophisticated complete solutions. Agility as well as excellent product and service quality are at the core of SCHURTER tenants to inspire its customers worldwide. The company assumes corporate responsibility and considers economic, ecological, and social aspects alike in all its activities and decisions. In doing so, SCHURTER is actively taking measures to reduce environmental impact and protect human health. The latest scientific findings serve as our guide, indicating which approaches can be used to support development progress as effectively as possible. The intent is to proactively seek out opportunities to reduce the ecological footprint of our activities and products on a preventative and continuous basis.

Based on global and national sustainability strategies, industry associations and experts, SCHURTER has set corporate targets for the areas of environment, society, and corporate governance. Progress is reviewed annually, and the list of targets is expanded upon when important topics are identified and need to be addressed.

SCHURTER dimensions its four targets: People, Products, Production & Procurement, in its path towards defining a more sustainable future.

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