Sondrel has announced that it has started its third major design for one of its international customers, part of a family of high-speed networking chips. The second recently taped out and was over 600 square millimetres in size using a 7 nm process node.
“The chips are designed using our ODC service,” explained Graham Curren, CEO and Founder of Sondrel. “ODC stands for Outsourced Design Consultancy and means we supply a team of design engineers that work exclusively for a customer as though they were within that company. This is a very popular working arrangement for our big customers as they know that they are using a team that is experienced at working both together and as an embedded, integrated part of the overall project team. This gives much better results than the alternative of customers using individual design engineers. In addition, each Sondrel ODC team has access to the whole of the rest of the 200 plus engineers working for Sondrel to brainstorm for ideas, additional skills and experience.”
Sondrel has been providing ODC design service for a number of years and so all its engineers are equipped for home working with secure connections to Sondrel servers and customer servers, and are used to working as a team with members from Sondrel’s different sites around the world. As a result, the Covid restrictions have had no impact on the company’s ability to deliver projects on time.