Replace the character LCD module with an OLED alternative

Bolymin OLED character displays with a high degree of compatibility with the original LCD modules are ideal not only for brand new projects, but they also serve as excellent upgrades for older projects.

LCD or OLED? In SOS electronic knows, it is still a dilemma for many, but they have tried to shed more light on this in our recent article LCD or OLED – which one do you choose?

If you‘re already decided for a more modern and beautiful variant – OLED, then we have good news for you. In terms of mechanical design, we already have alternatives to many well-proven, character LCD modules.

These are displays of 16×2, 20×2 and 20×4 characters. Specifically, we have direct, very close alternatives to the Bolymin character modules BC1602A/A3, BC1602B, BC1602D, BC1602H, BC2002A and BC2004A.

As you can see in the table below, the mechanical differences between these LCDs and OLED are minimal.

To facilitate the search for replacement from LCD to OLED, Bolymin used relatively close nomenclature. For example, the OLED alternative for the LCD series BC1602H is called BL1602HM.

The advantage is that all these character OLED displays have the same controller – HD44780 (with 4/8 bit 6800 MCU interface, simple 5V power supply) and thus any migration between individual types will be trouble-free.

You can find them in our stable stock offer in yellow and white colour, i.e. in the two most important and recommended colours in terms of long display lifetime (100k/70k hours) and good readability.

To preserve the longest possible lifetime and even “wear” of the pixels of the characters, it is very convenient if you can use (at least partially) scrolling text in your application.

As most industrial OLED displays on the market today, the BL-series modules can also operate within an extremely wide operating temperature range of -40 to +80°C. However, high long-term operating temperatures shorten the life of all OLED displays.

More information about Bolymin products can be found online, or SOS electronic is ready to help you at [email protected]

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