Radiocrafts has just released a new and updated version of the RIIM SDK to make it easier

The updated SDK has various new additions including:

  • Windows support in addition to Linux
  • A new node configuration – Leaf Node
  • A new example ICI application for sleepy nodes
  • Automated scripts to generate a flash image and upload it to the module

The RIIM SDK is now supported on Windows 10 in addition to Linux.

The RIIM SDK supports a new node configuration, the Leaf Node, which the RC1882CEF-IPM module can be configured as. The RIIM node configurations now consists of:

  • Border Router – As a ROOT node, it acts as the base of the mesh network. It can connect to an external network via ethernet or custom user application on other interfaces such as UART.
  • Mesh Router – As a Mesh Router node, it will be able to route packets up and down in the RIIM mesh network.
  • Leaf Node – As a Leaf node, it can only route packet to its parent. This configuration is used for very low power network nodes

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