New FreeStyle ESD Free Floating ESD Flooring Designer Series

StaticStop, a division of SelecTech, Inc., and leader in the manufacture of innovative ESD flooring products that save time and money, is pleased to introduce the FreeStyle ESD Designer Series of static control floor tiles. The attractive colors are more appealing to meet the needs of areas that are not factories and require a higher level of design, such as healthcare facilities, high-tech R&D labs and data centers.

FreeStyle ESD is a free-floating ESD flooring system with a patented hidden interlock and polyurethane finish for exceptionally easy maintenance. The easy-to-install flooring does not require conductive adhesives or copper foil.

Manufactured to provide a durable and long-lasting floor covering under a range of temperature and exposure conditions, FreeStyle ESD is backed by a lifetime warranty for electrical properties and a 10-year limited warranty against wear.

StaticStop offers the most complete line of ESD flooring available in the market, including epoxy floor coatings, glue-down tile and sheet products and the patented FreeStyle and SelecTile interlocking flooring.  StaticStop also has the most depth in technical knowledge of ESD flooring with a staff of experts that have been involved in ESD flooring for more than 20 years. Tom Ricciardelli, President/CEO is actively involved in the ESDA and currently serves as the chairman of the ESD Flooring Committee.

To request a sample, please call 508-583-3200 or visit

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