New design of Kontakt Chemie Sprays

Kontakt Chemie sprays produced by the manufacturer CRC introduced a new look to their products. Do not worry! The performance and the quality of sprays are unchanged and still reliable.

Kontakt Chemie designed and launched a new fresh look for their sprays at the beginning of this year. The look of the products is not the only innovation, there is a new color system to help you recognize the type of product.

The manufacturer also introduced the UFI (classification based on health hazards or hazards resulting from physical features) and UKCA (UK compliant product) labels, underlining their serious approach to chemical labeling regulations.

Of course, the most important parameter of Kontakt Chemie products which is composition remains the same quality – reliable, high and uncompromising.

Check the new look of the sprays in the attached video or the PDF catalog.

For further information please contact SOS electronic [email protected]. They can advise you on the selection of a suitable Kontakt Chemie product. Do not hesitate to contact them.



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