Modular Connectivity In Transportation Applications

Few markets have been transformed so completely by new technology than that of transportation. The modern family car contains more sophistication than the airliners of previous generations. The latest vehicles combine entertainment, navigation, imaging, and diagnostic equipment in such a way that their operation is simple and intuitive.  From GPS navigation and radar to full sensor arrays and engine control modules, the effectiveness of modern planes, trains and automobiles often hinges on the connectivity and compatibility between these collective systems and subsystems.


DesignSpark and Molex have released a new whitepaper examining these critical interactions and will host a live webinar to dive deeper on January 24th. Hosted by Molex’s Brad Eissler and David “Connector Geek” Pike, the webinar will pair the collective knowledge of DesignSpark, RS Components popular online engineering community, with expert product knowledge from Eissler & Pike to explore the challenges of connectivity in modern transportation systems, along with the products and solutions to address them.

Additional products to consider...