Low Loss Coax Cable Applications Guide

The term “low-loss” refers to a coaxial cable’s relative low-attenuation (loss) over distance or length of the cable itself. As the length of a cable increases, so does the attenuation or signal loss. Low-loss coaxial cables are ideal for use in WLAN, Cellular, PCS, ISM and many other wireless communications applications where signal integrity is critical.

Low-loss coaxial cables typically have far better shielding than RG-style cables, thus, achieving better low-loss performance with reduced emissions. Additionally, low-loss coaxial cables typically use solid center conductors which also contributes to lower attenuation when compared to the stranded conductors commonly found with many RG-style cables.

L-com has low-loss coaxial cable solutions for virtually every application. We offer both low-loss cable assemblies as well as bulk low-loss cable. If you can’t find what you’re looking for on our website, check out our custom cable configurator to design your own low-loss coax cables.

Click the image below to download our low-loss cable guide that outlines different low-loss coax cable types and some common applications for each type.


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