Getting started with a cloud-based application using Renesas Synergy™

Renesas has created the Renesas Synergy™ Platform ― a complete and qualified platform that accelerates embedded development, inspires innovation and enables differentiation.

This is a practical, hands-on session and is aimed at Design Engineers, Technical Managers and Solution Architects.

Aims and Objectives
The Workshop will explain how to develop a complex cloud-based application based on the Renesas Synergy™, which will show you had to connect quickly and easily to Cloud Dashboards from:

Adafruit IO
Amazon Web services or Google Cloud Platform or Microsoft Azure

Via the Synergy SSP, platform using TLS, MQTT, TCP/IP, DHCP server, RTOS and peripheral drivers.
The hands-on will be based around the AE-CLOUD1 Kit, which is ideal for rapid evaluation, prototyping and development of cloud connected applications.
About Renesas Synergy™
The Renesas Synergy™ Platform is a complete and qualified platform that accelerates embedded development, inspiring innovation and enabling differentiation.

Fully integrated software tested to commercial standards and optimised for the synergy MCUs
Scalable ARM® Cortex®-M microcontroller families

Note: There is just one cost for the Synergy Platform – The unit price of a single Synergy MCU, which includes:

The right to develop with and use the Synergy Software Package in mass-produced end-products
Unlimited number of end-products
Unlimited number of Synergy MCU types or quantities
Software maintenance over product lifetime of the Synergy MCU
The right to use e2studio IDE and/or IAR Embedded Workbench plus the ThreadX™ RTOS for Synergy
Unlimited number of development seats
Tool maintenance over product lifetime of the Synergy MCU

09:00 Welcome
09:30 Introduction to the Renesas Synergy Platform
10:30 Introduction to the AE-Coud1 Kit
11:00 Hands-on: Connecting the AE-Cloud1 Kit to the Enterprise Toolkit
12:00 MQTT and TLS Introduction
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Hands-on: Connecting to the Adafruit IO Cloud Dashboard
15:45 Q&A
16:00 Close

Refreshments and Lunch will be provided.

Required Kit
Just bring your own Wi-Fi enabled laptop; instructions on how to pre-install Renesas software will be sent out before the event.
All attendees will be supplied a Synergy™ AE-Cloud 1 kit FREE of charge.
The following dates are available for this workshop:
9th October, Old Trafford Cricket Ground, Manchester
11th October, Madjeski Stadium, Reading

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