element14 Community Hosts Webinar on Beginner’s Guide to Embedded Machine Learning

Free webinar offers attendees a chance to win a Nordic Thingy:53 Board

element14, an Avnet Community, is pleased to announce a free webinar in collaboration with Nordic Semiconductor and Edge Impulse, designed to empower beginners in the field of embedded machine learning (ML).

The webinar is scheduled for 21 November 2023 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm Central Time and will offer valuable insights into harnessing the power of embedded machine learning, allowing attendees to explore the limitless possibilities it brings to the world of technology.

Robin M. Saltnes, Product Marketing Engineer at Nordic Semiconductor, will kick off the session with a demonstration of the Nordic Thingy:53 prototyping platform, showcasing how to efficiently collect data samples for creating customized machine learning models. Attendees will gain insights into the basic hardware functionality of this powerful prototyping platform and learn how to collect data for machine learning using the nrF Edge Impulse app.

Following Robin’s presentation, Eoin Jordan, Developer Relations at Edge Impulse, will guide participants through the process of using Edge Impulse Studio. This step-by-step tutorial will provide attendees with the knowledge and skills needed to design, train, and test machine learning models within Edge Impulse Studio. Eoin will also explain how to deploy the model on a Thingy:53 to validate the results and discuss various options for integrating machine learning models into firmware applications.

To learn more and register to the webinar, www.community.element14.com

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