Don’t overuse AI and forget the cloud

Cloud and artificial intelligence are both becoming popular for business use, but their combined relationship can drive digital transformation.

AI and cloud are two leading technologies that have transformed businesses’ operations by improving work capabilities and increasing IT agility.

A recent report on the state of AI in the cloud found that 70% of organisations already use AI services in cloud environments, but 32% are only experimenting with these technologies without creating the proper infrastructure to maximise their use.

Selecting the right model to fit specific needs will be crucial to avoid high costs, but organisations that implement both correctly can build a unified data platform that enhances efficiency and makes data-driven decisions to accelerate work processes.

“Combining AI and cloud could drive business growth by making the company more strategically competitive and technologically well structured. AI can process vast amounts of data to configure decisions best suited for the business while cloud can provide flexible storage and access solutions, all at an economical price point,” said Mark Appleton, Chief Customer Officer at ALSO Cloud UK.

“IT leaders must have a clear vision of their objectives to choose the correct solutions. Do you want to improve your operational efficiency, create new revenue streams, or innovate your products? How can cloud and AI address the current gaps in your workflows, data, and skills? In doing so, organisations can align their cloud and AI initiatives with their business aims to choose the appropriate cloud and AI service depending on needs, budget, and expertise.

These combined technologies can provide several benefits that augment human capabilities, making work innovative, structured and time efficient.

“AI and cloud collaboration can speed up work processes while decreasing error rates; both are vital in meeting demands for fast, accurate solutions that meet company goals. Organisations leveraging AI can automate complex tasks, optimise system performance and process significantly more data. Using this with cloud-based tools like predictive analytics can create an agile work structure that results in faster yet reliable data-informed decisions that reduce downtime for employees to focus on other complex tasks.”

Security is also a key concern for businesses today, and cyber threats are constantly changing. With the increasing amount of data being stored in the cloud, Appleton believes that protecting data is vital and can be achieved at lower costs.

“As companies grow, so do their operations and data. On-premise solutions can be not only costly but also less secure. Cloud computing eliminates the need for physical infrastructure, while AI can process large amounts of data to provide research insights without having to factor in additional expenses. It can also detect inconsistencies immediately and mitigate potential threats in real time. Together, these two technologies can cut costs associated with infrastructure and provide a better security structure of in-house systems that can be easily adjusted with business growth.”

Mark concluded, “Integrating AI and the cloud presents possibilities for rapid advancements in today’s competitive technology market. By choosing solutions that fit the organisation’s specific needs, IT leaders can create a cloud and AI infrastructure that allows businesses to work smarter and utilise the potential of data and intelligent algorithms to scale their businesses.”

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