Announcing TinyCLR 1.0 Preview 1

TinyCLR 1.0 Preview 1

Almost two years ago, we announced our plans 1 to build TinyCLR OS. There has been lot of excitement and hard work since then. Thanks to the feedback from our community and commercial customers, we have defined and refined the plan. This release is the first preview of the final release of that plan. Our goal is still to have TinyCLR running in commercial products before the end of the year – while keeping in mind our priority of a quality product versus getting it out and into your hands as soon as possible.

In this release we did a review of a lot of TinyCLR and as a result we performed quite a bit of reorganization and cleanup to get stuff ready for 1.0 and beyond. Many of the device APIs changed around in various amounts as part of this (particularly UART which was greatly simplified). These changes should make them simpler to use all around – from the end application to porting. Given the scale of the changes we do expect a few more bugs to pop up in this release.

We’re also now hosting the packages on NuGet and the VSIX on the Visual Studio Marketplace! This makes staying up to date even easier as there are fewer parts to manually download. After the initial install, everything except TinyCLR Config can be kept up-to-date using Visual Studio and TinyCLR Config. Take a look at the release notes for full details. (The extension is still making its way through the marketplace approval process, so expect it to appear soon.)

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